We have a new agency location
  • by Vanessa Grass
  • 2 min reading time

VON HELDEN UND GESTALTEN is taking a big step into the future and expanding its technology expertise with another agency location.

As an agency, we have repeatedly questioned, challenged and developed ourselves in recent years. The result: our creative work will have an even stronger digital orientation. In the future, we will accompany brands in their digital transformation over the long term. For us, this means massively advancing the expansion of our already existing digital technology competence.


Therefore, we decided to take over a site with web development, hosting expertise and daily support. After long negotiations, the time had come at the beginning of August. The new VON HELDEN UND GESTALTEN technology location is in Novi Sad/Serbia and is managed by Markus Milkereit.

Markus is a fullstack developer, team lead and technology specialist with years of experience. He has lived in Novi Sad for 4 years and was responsible for setting up the location there. Before that, he can draw on almost 20 years of development experience and worked for clients such as Media Markt, Nike, Kabel Deutschland or Mercedes-Benz Bank.

Together with our Stuttgart digital team around Nico Döring, we now have even stronger technology expertise in-house. This allows us to create a separate and holistic process in which strategy, conception, content, design and code come from a single source.

Our new holistic offer

With VON HELDEN UND GESTALTEN technologies, we not only create technologically powerful corporate websites, but also address the topics of marketing automation and digital sales strategy.

The high level of technological competence with comprehensive technical support rounds off our holistic digital offering.

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