OMR23 – is it worth the hype?

  • by Paulina Parhammer
  • 3 min reading time

Every year in May, thousands of online marketing experts from Germany and around the world flock to Hamburg to take part in the annual OMR. The question arises: is the OMR a hype event, a networking event or just a pure promotional event?

Of course there are always clichés that come true. So it was way too crowded this year - way too many people in colorful Zara blazers, pushing from hall to hall and beheading overpriced wine bottles far too early. In front of the conference stage, the crowds thronged to hear Luisa Neubauer roasting the entire OMR bubble. There is a standing ovation for that. And then it starts to rain - typically Hamburg. Admission will only be granted in batches every 10 minutes. The same procedure is repeated at 5:30 p.m. in front of the Red Stage - because at 6:30 p.m. Oli P. will be performing and of course you don't want to miss that!

Doesn't all sound very tempting, does it? But despite everything, the OMR is “worth the hype”. Why? Quite simply: If you want to know today what will be popular in marketing tomorrow, if you want to feel part of the big picture, if you want to network or if you are just looking for inspiration, OMR is the right place for you! Of course there are many interesting speakers that can be heard on different stages.

Our Highlights

Daniel Grieder, CEO of HUGO BOSS, who vividly illustrated how he managed to use a new CLAIM 5 strategy to reinvent the HUGO and BOSS brands and develop them into a technology-driven fashion platform.

On the Yellow Stage, Rainer Grill and Rebecca Amlung impressively demonstrated that TikTok can be a real HR weapon in the war for talent if you follow the right strategy.

In addition to the speakers, we were also able to gather a lot of knowledge in the master classes and dive deep into various topics from the areas of digital business, social media best practices and performance marketing. At the expo there was plenty of opportunity to network and to get to know and try out new tools and products.

And then Luisa Neubauer entered the Conference Stage. She held up a mirror to the bubble, the big corporations and the OMR Founder and charmingly criticized everything that happens with greenwashing in the marketing cosmos and the economy. And she did one thing above all: inspired us! Marketing has the power and privilege to make a difference. Marketing can counteract the climate crisis and make the world a little better, but only if you actively decide to question yourself every day.

Our conclusion: yes, it was full and yes, we had to wait. Of course, the prices for everything were way too high. Yes, the OMR is not as sustainable as it claims to be. But it is not only powdered, but also a stage for hard facts and awareness - whether intentional or unintentional. The OMR gives the opportunity to discover trends, to exchange ideas with strangers and acquaintances and to create one's own visions. And that makes it worth the hype for us. Of course you can get annoyed about the full stands and the long waiting times - or you take the circumstances as they are, let yourself go and celebrate with Macklemore and KIZ at what is probably the most legendary trade fair after-show party in Germany.

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