Goodbye Greenwashing
More than just a little climate protection. Why strong brands must now consistently tackle the topic of sustainability. Holistically.- 5 min reading time
Bye bye false promises
There is now no getting around the topic of sustainability. And that is a good thing. Now companies also have to show their colours. At least when it comes to sustainable activities. Because companies have to show how sustainable they really are. For the EU, the CSR Directive (Corporate Sustainability Reporting) is above all an important step towards climate neutrality. For brands, it can become more than that. Now it is a matter of following up strong words with at least as strong deeds. Those who succeed in doing so show that they take the issue seriously. This reshapes the brand image, develops the brand further and inspires and touches the target group in the long term.
Do companies now have to save the world?
Sustainability as the core of the company DNA. Still not an easy topic. Because being sustainable today doesn't just mean being environmentally friendly. It is about ecological, economic, but also social aspects. Climate protection is just as much a part of it as long-term social support or responsible use of our resources. A complex overall concept to which everyone can make a contribution. What counts here is to tackle the issue responsibly and sensitively. And to communicate about it honestly, directly and authentically. This is the only way to make an impact on employees and customers alike. Sustainability has become an integral part of our everyday lives. And thus also from our everyday working life. Because as employees we are paying more and more attention to whether and how our company shows its attitude to sustainability. The same understanding of sustainable action brings employees and companies together.
Certainly, a purchase decision or brand loyalty does not only stand or fall with the topic of sustainability. However, it strongly influences the image of the brand. And it does so by whether and how the topic is lived out in the company. People are concerned about it and are increasingly demanding it from companies. They should communicate what lies behind their sustainable actions. It is okay to show that not every process can be implemented in a sustainable manner. Instead, it is worth telling emotional stories that are tangible. And honest. Stories that people can identify with. And that make the brand tangible. Stories that also tell us that we are at the beginning or that mistakes have been made. The decisive factor is the will to really tackle sustainable thinking and action.
With the right partner to the right communication strategy
One thing is clear: sustainability is one of the top issues. This means that it is also no longer a unique selling point. Bloodless contributions just to jump on the bandwagon abound. Only: they are no longer enough today. Sustainability must come from conviction and be anchored in the DNA of the company. Admittedly: That is not an easy path. But it is one that is worth taking. That's why we help brands that are serious about it. Brands that have understood that they have to live sustainability in order to really make a difference. Together with these brands, we are taking on this challenge. Because we know that sustainability has to be more than just a campaign issue. Sustainability must be strategically anchored in the company. At every moment. Only then can it become part of the brand core. This is exactly what we work out together. And we have the right tools to do so: together we take care of the brand process and the communication strategy, we develop concepts to reach employees with this communication and thus find the right way to transport the image to the outside.
We help brands think sustainability bigger. To see it not just as a snippet of a campaign, but to make it part of their brand DNA. And not only to live it within the company, but also to carry it outwards. Together with Festo, for example, we show what this can look like. Together with the automation specialist, we have implemented this in an extensive social media project. The goal: to tell people what role sustainability plays here. For this, we worked out the various sustainable contents in direct exchange with the customer and transferred the wide range of topics into a concrete editorial plan. To give the topics even more weight, all content was prepared as short videos. For example, we let international trainers have their say or showed sustainably built office buildings in emotional images. Each day opened the door to a story that depicts sustainability in a variety of ways. From resource-saving production and office buildings to long-term international training programmes and social commitment. In this way, 24 emotional insights into a holistic and diverse sustainability concept were created in the style of an Advent calendar. This shows: Here, sustainability can be experienced and is a tangible component of the corporate philosophy.
Conclusion: Much more than just hype
Sustainability has long since gained a firm foothold - and it will be impossible to imagine the future without it. It takes companies to task. But it also offers the opportunity to position oneself boldly as a brand. By not only being aware of the responsibility you bear, but also standing up for it and fighting for it. And this is only possible away from greenwashing and if sustainability becomes a fixed part of the corporate identity.