Cringe Or Credibility?
Authenticity as the key to success: How companies convince through authenticity in their employer brand.- 4 min reading time
“In the war of talent - talent has won.” In a world where everyone is fighting for the attention of the best talent, it is no longer enough just to be loud. Authenticity is the magic trick that successful companies need to master. Why is that? Because potential candidates want real stories, not glossy brochures. So the question is: how do companies manage to present their employer brand in such a way that it inspires trust and doesn't make people feel embarrassed?
By Mirco Wüstholz, Founder of the agency Von Helden und Gestalten
The essence of authenticity
Real people, real stories, real values - that's the stuff authentic brands are made of. The rapping board of directors or experimental trainee videos that are more of an embarrassment than an invitation to get to know someone are not part of it. Neither do glossy campaigns that promise a lot at first glance, but clearly reveal a break with reality at second glance. False fronts can become a real problem when it comes to transparency these days.
The 5 secrets for credible employer branding
There are a few golden rules to follow in order to turn shame into trust:
1. If you want to be trusted, you have to give trust.
Communicate honestly, show who you really are - with all your rough edges. Tell stories that really happened and not just the ones that sound good. This is still a challenge for many companies in practice. Authenticity requires trust - trust in your own employees, but also in the intuition of the departments and agencies involved.
2. Control the process, not the people.
Putting scripted texts into the mouths of your own employees or smilingly thumbs them up in front of the career cart is an absolute no-go. It kills authenticity. And doesn't go down well. Neither externally and certainly not internally.
But how do you manage to develop images and messages that suit both the company and the employees? The answer lies in the right preparation. For example, by developing an authentic employer brand story that employees can really identify with. This also includes the creation of safe zones by professional photographers and interview teams. Capturing authentic insights from real everyday working life is an art. Simply pointing a camera at it does not lead to the desired effect.
3. Treat employees like influencers.
Employees as brand ambassadors. Sounds like an employer brand manual from the 80s. But in times when managers on LinkedIn are becoming the company's poster children, it's more relevant than ever. Authentic employer branding must also address the question: Who is actually branding whom? It's not just about positioning your brand on the labor market. Employees must be involved in this positioning as active designers. This means, not least, making them even more articulate with professional support. And not to slow down the desire for self-presentation, but to take it up.
4. Consistency is king.
Messages must sound the same or similar everywhere - whether on the website, in social media or in personal conversations. Those who manage to tell the same story on all channels strengthen credibility and create trust. However, this is only possible with a strong link between the employer campaign and corporate culture. Otherwise, “culture eats employer branding for breakfast”. Conversely, employer branding is the opportunity to get to the heart of a “vague” corporate culture in a motivating way, to strengthen internal cohesion and to radiate a genuine authentic identification offer for new talent to the outside world.
5. Thinking authenticity further.
Authenticity is more - more than just describing the status quo. More than just real stories from everyday life. Visions can also be authentic. Ideally, so can personal and corporate goals. An authentic employer value proposition is the pinnacle of employer branding. This is where the potential for a new chapter lies. The employer brand and authentic communication.
Authenticity is not a luxury, but a necessity in employer branding. Companies that manage to present themselves honestly and genuinely will attract the best talent. It's about not pretending, but showing who you really are and what you stand for in the world. Because this is the only way to build the confidence that makes the difference between “cringe” and “credibility”. Be brave, be honest, be authentic - and you will become the heroes of your own story.